A New Beginning

A New Beginning

How did an extrovert such as myself come to dread the end of an extended quarantine? It was May 2021 and my mailbox had begun to stock a steady influx of invitations. There were graduations, neighborhood block parties, Bar-B-Qs and picnics. We seemed to have finally...
Spring Bargains

Spring Bargains

My flat-screen TV shares a wall with two big windows, one on each side, that look out into my backyard. This wall had been little more than a great design concept until an early morning in March 2021 when it transformed into a laboratory of existential discovery. It...
Gratitude May Be Closer Than You Think

Gratitude May Be Closer Than You Think

A woman who works in healthcare wanted to start off 2021in gratitude as she had done in previous years. This year however, she said she was having difficulty being grateful and listed the pandemic as the overarching reason. Specifically it was the number of sick, the...
LOVE those Traffic Lights

LOVE those Traffic Lights

Ever driven somewhere and noticed that you seem to be hitting the red lights on every intersection along the way? How soon after you first notice it, do you start feeling the seedlings of frustration sprout within you? How long is it before your frustration is already...
Make it Count!

Make it Count!

Set yourself a timer for 30 seconds.  Now, chew on this thought for that time: “All our waking hours are a one-time deal”.   When the timer goes off realize that those 30 seconds are gone forever. We do not get them back.  Ever.  A sobering thought isn’t it? With that...