You might have heard the quote by Tracy McMillan:

“Everything works out in the end. if it hasn’t worked out yet, then it’s not the end.”

Great quote. Succinct. Poignant. Reassuring.

There is another quote I like just as much if not more. I don’t know the origins of this one, but its inherent wit has an added luster for me. 

I also see it as a great Yang  – realistic, frank, universal – to the Yin of the McMillan quote, which to me reads more like an aspirational platitude by comparison.

I cannot help but smile every time I read this clever Yang quote even though it points to something that challenges most of us (and is therefore less reassuring than McMillan’s meditation).  

Yet its message is almost universally identifiable by our human collective:

“I know that when one door closes
another one always opens,
but man these hallways are a b**ch!”

Great quote. Succinct. Honest. Funny.

The third video in my series addresses these ‘hallways’ of life.

It is true that the hallways are often difficult to navigate when trying to get from one figurative door of life to the next – no question about it.  But are they really all that bad, these transitional hallways of life?  Why are they such a ‘b**ch’ anyway? 

This next video in my series offers an insight into how we might see the hallways of life differently so as to make our journey through them a little more comfortable for ourselves (yes, even ‘b**ches’ can be tamed!).

The video answers questions like: 

    • Could these hallways be an opportunity to slow down?  Look around. Smell the roses. Take stock. 
    • Could these hallways be the gift of pause? Our physical and mental health need it so much, especially between two demanding endeavors.  Yet we are rarely afforded the chance.
    • Could they be the rare treasure of time and space?  Both of which are often a luxury when we are required to change something old before embarking on something new.  
    • Could there be something we could do to find out? What might that be?

Watch the video as many times as you like and find the answers for yourself.  Each one of us will find a different answer – one that is just right for us. In other words, the hallways may be different for each of us, but the same GPS works for them all. Try it once or several times. It is not a stretch to say that if you live long enough on this planet sooner or later you are bound to find yourself in a hallway.

The good news is this time you will be ready.